winforms - Specified cast is not valid -

i tried best cast value how keep getting exception. hope 1 guide me in right path.

here code

this type service

 public enum channelcodetype {      /// <remarks/>     a1,      /// <remarks/>     a2,      /// <remarks/>     a3,      /// <remarks/>     a4, } 

in winform have list box generate these channels ,i try cast selected channels in list box , pass channel type gives me hard time.

 channelcodetype[] channelcodes; channelcodes=lbsearch.selecteditems.tostring().cast<channelcodetype>().toarray(); 

then tried below failed

string[] destination = new string[lbsearch.items.count];         lbsearch.items.copyto(destination, 0);         channelcodes = destination.cast<channelcodetype>().toarray(); 

in both way keeps complaining cast not valid.

channelcodes = => (channelcodetype)enum.parse(typeof(channelcodetype),e)).toarray(); 

try above.

the problem current approach can't cast string enum directly. have parse it.


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