luabind - c++ to lua to c++ -

i have problem luabind, or @ least expect problem

i have entity class ive registered lua,

ideally want subclass , override functions, there want send c++ , store it

additionally want able call new functions c++ stored object/pointer

however im struggling c++ take object of type centity* back? in lua script can load class, call variables , functions, try , send takeclass or takeboject comes out blank class nothing set on it

for example foo->name "" rather "entity1" , id 0 rather 1

anyideas im doing wrong? ive searched on google @ least week no luck of understanding problem , halting progress on project?

//####################################################################### // test function //####################################################################### void luatest::takeclass(centity* foo) {      cout << foo->name << endl; }  void luatest::takeobject(luabind::object foo) {     centity* foobar = luabind::object_cast<centity*>(foo);     cout << foobar->name << endl; }  void luatest::luabindclass(lua_state* l) {     //somewhere else     module(l)         [             class_<luatest>("luatest")             .def(constructor<>())             .def("takeclass", &luatest::takeclass)             .def("takeobject", &luatest::takeobject)         ];     globals(l)["test"] = this; }   //####################################################################### // entiy class //#######################################################################  class centity { public:     string name;     int id;      centity();     ~centity();      static void luabindclass(lua_state* l); };  //####################################################################### centity::centity() {     name = "notset";     id = 0; }   centity::~centity() { }  void centity::luabindclass(lua_state* l) {     module(l)         [             class_<centity>("centity")              .def(constructor<>())              .def_readwrite("name", &centity::name)             .def_readwrite("id", &centity::id)         ]; }   //####################################################################### // lua file //####################################################################### entity = centity(); = "entity1"; = 1;  test:takeclass(entity); test:takeobject(entity); //#######################################################################  //####################################################################### // main  //####################################################################### .... /* run script */ if (lual_dofile(l, "avg.lua")) {     std::cout << lua_tostring(l, -1) << std::endl; // print out error message } .... //#######################################################################

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "luabind/luabind.hpp"  extern "c" { #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lualib.h" }    class centity {  public:   std::string name;   int id;    centity();   ~centity();     std::string getname() { return name; }   void setname(std::string n) { name = n; }    int getid() { return id; }   void setid(int n) { id = n; }     virtual void testfunction(){};   static void luabindclass(lua_state* l); };  //####################################################################### // test function //####################################################################### struct luatest {   void takeclass(centity* foo)   {     std::cout << foo->name << std::endl;   }    void takeobject(luabind::object foo)   {     centity* foobar = luabind::object_cast<centity*>(foo);     std::cout << foobar->name << std::endl;   }    void luabindclass(lua_state* l)   {     //somewhere else     luabind::module(l)         [             luabind::class_<luatest>("luatest")    // < "animation" how want name class in lua runtime             .def(luabind::constructor<>())             .def("takeclass", &luatest::takeclass)             .def("takeobject", &luatest::takeobject)          ];     luabind::globals(l)["test"] = this;   } };   //####################################################################### // entiy class //#######################################################################  //####################################################################### centity::centity() {   name = "notset";   id = 0; }   centity::~centity() { }  void centity::luabindclass(lua_state* l) {   luabind::module(l)       [           luabind::class_<centity>("centity")    // < "animation" how want name class in lua runtime           .def(luabind::constructor<>())            // < binds empty constructor           .def_readwrite("name", &centity::name)           .def_readwrite("id", &centity::id)        ]; }   char const* script =                  "entity = centity();\n"                  " = \"entity1\";\n"                  " = 1;\n"                  "\n"                  "test:takeclass(entity);\n"                  "test:takeobject(entity);\n";  int main() {   lua_state* l = lua_open();   luabind::open(l);    centity::luabindclass(l);   luatest test;   test.luabindclass(l);   /* run script */   if (lual_dostring(l, script)) {     std::cout << lua_tostring(l, -1) << std::endl; // print out error message   }   lua_close(l); } 


$ ccache clang++ -lluabind -llua -g3 ~/test.cxx && ./a.out entity1 entity1 

so there maybe problem in script loading. there error message printed?

(sorry can't answer in irc. took while create testing env)


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