jquery - Populate a dropdown list based on the another dropdown list using AJAX JSON -

i know question has been asked many before not exact solution resembles question.

i have dropdown list called category , dropdown rather sub 1 called grade. select category(lets select tv out of radio,washing machines,dvd players etc.), corresponding grades category(lets tv - sony, hitachi, samsung, philips..) should populate on grade dropdown. both categories , grades being fetched database , queries working perfectly.


<script>         function getgradedetails(category){             if(category!==""){                 var request = $.ajax({                     url: "../controller/sales.php",                     type: "post",                     data: {category:category,action:'get_grade_details'},                       datatype: "json"                 });                 request.done(function(json_return){                         //alert(json_return['grade_desc']);                     $( "#grade" ).append( "<option>"+json_return['grade_desc']    </option>" );                 });                  request.fail(function(jqxhr, textstatus) {                     alert( "request failed: " + textstatus );                     return false;                 });             }             else{                 $("#grade").append('<option></option>');             }         } </script> 


<td>category     <select name="category" id="category" onchange="getgradedetails(this.value)">         <option></option>         <?php             require_once '../model/sales.php';            @$result=sales::getallcategories();            while($value=  mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){         ?>         <option value="<?php echo $value['category_code']; ?>">             <?php echo $value['category_desc'] ?>         </option>         <?php } ?>     </select> </td>  <td>grade <td>    <select id="grade">    </select> </td> 


<?php      require_once '../model/sales.php';     $action=$_request['action'];      switch($action){         case 'get_grade_details':             getgradedetails();             break;         default :             break;     }             function getgradedetails(){         $category=$_post['category'];         require_once '../model/sales.php';         $obj=new sales();         $result=mysql_fetch_assoc($obj->getgradesforcategory($category));         echo json_encode($result);         exit;     } ?> 

according code, dropdown value on grade first value db. eg:-only sony, , avoids others-hitachi,samsung etc.. , change on category(eg:-washing machines), grade dropdown has values sony(tv grade),lg(washing machines grade).

what want is:-

1) values should appear whole not first/single value db.

2) change on category(tv washing machines), values relating tv should not appear(sony) , values pertaining washing machines(lg) should appear.

the problem not looping , adding items on response list options of select tag

request.done(function(json_return){                     //alert(json_return['grade_desc']);                 **$( "#grade" ).append( "<option>"+json_return['grade_desc']</option>"**     );             }); 

the highlighted portion should corrected values being added options, like

var options = '';  (i=0;i< json_return['grade_desc'].length;i++){    options += "<option>"+json_return['grade_desc'][i]+"</option>"; } $("#grade").append(options); 

the second question needs more information. please post snippet of response ajax.


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