core data - Convert NSArray to Swift Array<T> -

in coredata have defined ordered to-many relationship. relationship defined in swift this:

@nsmanaged var types : nsmutablearray 

however, use swift @ it's best, want use normal swift array type[]. however, coredata forces me use ns(mutable)array. how can type-cast / convert nsarray array<type>[]?

apparently confusion arises following error:

let array = obj.types t[] // cannot convert expression's type 'node[]' type '$t2' 

while accepted editor:

let array = obj.types anyobject[] t[] // no complaint 

i'm using obj.types.allobjects type[], feels hack/workaround.

then revise feelings. you're doing how do "type-cast / convert nsarray array<type>[]."

an nsarray arrives swift containing anyobject (i.e. array<anyobject>, aka anyobject[]). casting down specific type, if know contains 1 type, you, , how doing supposed do.

edit in swift 2.0 , new ios 9 apis, nsarray arrive correctly typed, , no cast needed.

edit 2 in swift 3.0, nsarray not correctly typed, though uncommon, arrive containing any instead of anyobject , still have cast down specific type.


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