c# - Make Installer for Both 64 and 32 bit -

i use wix create msi installer dll.

i make 1 installer allows install program on 64 bit platform on 32 bit.

the registry entries have define, different 32 , 64 bit.

this entry have create key in case 64 bit platform:

h_key_localmachine\software\wow6432node\sparx systems\eaaddins\adminaddins 

this entry have create key in case 32 bit platform:

h_key_localmachine\software\sparx systems\eaaddins\adminaddins    

this how registry entries defined in code:

<component id="adminaddinsregentries" guid="8777a7ab-b147-4850-9f25-65011306e9c6" >   <registrykey root="hklm" key="software\wow6432node\sparx systems\eaaddins\adminaddins" action="createandremoveonuninstall">      <registryvalue type="string" value="adminaddins.myclass" />   </registrykey> </component> 

how can add condition avoid 2 different installers?

you need make 32 bit install package. that's all. system, through registry redirector, handle details of separate 32/64 bit registry views you.

the 32 bit package processed 32 bit process when installed on 64 bit system , subject registry redirection. redirector arrange key written in 32 bit view of registry.

you should not hardcode wow6432node string. in case miss bit, let me again. should not hardcode wow6432node string.

so, summarise:

  1. make 32 bit package.
  2. use software\sparx systems\eaaddins\adminaddins registry key.
  3. let redirector take care of 32/64 bit registry view details.


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