xcode - iOS Simulator executing app, but "crashes" when pressing on "Button" -

on xcode 6 beta 2, have built app 2 viewcontrollers. enter image description here

you can see action of "button" open second viewcontroller.

but when pressing on "button", theres focus on xcode, , shows me screen: enter image description here , highlights green code-line. how can fix it?

**notice, havent wrote code ever, created storyboard.


2014-06-26 01:05:54.957 colormatcher[878:11914] *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidunarchiveoperationexception', reason: 'could not instantiate class named adbannerview' *** first throw call stack: (     0   corefoundation                      0x00447646 __exceptionpreprocess + 182     1   libobjc.a.dylib                     0x01d728e3 objc_exception_throw + 44     2   corefoundation                      0x0044756d +[nsexception raise:format:] + 141     3   uikit                               0x010f53c0 uinibdecoderdecodeobjectforvalue + 317     4   uikit                               0x010f5768 uinibdecoderdecodeobjectforvalue + 1253     5   uikit                               0x010f527b -[uinibdecoder decodeobjectforkey:] + 371     6   uikit                               0x00caf579 -[uiview initwithcoder:] + 867     7   uikit                               0x010f5566 uinibdecoderdecodeobjectforvalue + 739     8   uikit                               0x010f527b -[uinibdecoder decodeobjectforkey:] + 371     9   uikit                               0x00f64b31 -[uiruntimeconnection initwithcoder:] + 189     10  uikit                               0x010f5566 uinibdecoderdecodeobjectforvalue + 739     11  uikit                               0x010f5768 uinibdecoderdecodeobjectforvalue + 1253     12  uikit                               0x010f527b -[uinibdecoder decodeobjectforkey:] + 371     13  uikit                               0x00f63927 -[uinib instantiatewithowner:options:] + 1164     14  uikit                               0x00d9274d -[uiviewcontroller _loadviewfromnibnamed:bundle:] + 270     15  uikit                               0x00d92ff4 -[uiviewcontroller loadview] + 295     16  uikit                               0x00d93222 -[uiviewcontroller loadviewifrequired] + 72     17  uikit                               0x00d9377b -[uiviewcontroller view] + 35     18  uikit                               0x013daed5 -[_uifullscreenpresentationcontroller _setpresentedviewcontroller:] + 75     19  uikit                               0x00d6af51 -[uipresentationcontroller initwithpresentingviewcontroller:presentedviewcontroller:] + 113     20  uikit                               0x00d6b005 -[uipresentationcontroller initwithpresenting:presented:] + 48     21  uikit                               0x00da0564 -[uiviewcontroller _presentviewcontroller:withanimationcontroller:completion:] + 1952     22  uikit                               0x00da3061 -[uiviewcontroller presentviewcontroller:animated:completion:] + 333     23  uikit                               0x00da31e2 -[uiviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller:animated:] + 57     24  uikit                               0x0124df79 -[uistoryboardmodalsegue perform] + 271     25  uikit                               0x0123b8e6 -[uistoryboardseguetemplate _perform:] + 217     26  uikit                               0x0123b962 -[uistoryboardseguetemplate perform:] + 116     27  libobjc.a.dylib                     0x01d8579d -[nsobject performselector:withobject:withobject:] + 84     28  uikit                               0x00c45fe2 -[uiapplication sendaction:to:from:forevent:] + 99     29  uikit                               0x00c45f74 -[uiapplication sendaction:totarget:fromsender:forevent:] + 64     30  uikit                               0x00d72876 -[uicontrol sendaction:to:forevent:] + 69     31  uikit                               0x00d72c93 -[uicontrol _sendactionsforevents:withevent:] + 598     32  uikit                               0x00d71efd -[uicontrol touchesended:withevent:] + 660     33  uikit                               0x00c952da -[uiwindow _sendtouchesforevent:] + 874     34  uikit                               0x00c95db5 -[uiwindow sendevent:] + 791     35  uikit                               0x00c5bc29 -[uiapplication sendevent:] + 242     36  uikit                               0x00c6b5e2 _uiapplicationhandleeventfromqueueevent + 20518     37  uikit                               0x00c40cc5 _uiapplicationhandleeventqueue + 2154     38  corefoundation                      0x0036bfaf __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_a_source0_perform_function__ + 15     39  corefoundation                      0x0036134d __cfrunloopdosources0 + 253     40  corefoundation                      0x003608a8 __cfrunlooprun + 952     41  corefoundation                      0x0036022b cfrunlooprunspecific + 443     42  corefoundation                      0x0036005b cfrunloopruninmode + 123     43  graphicsservices                    0x03d943ca gseventrunmodal + 192     44  graphicsservices                    0x03d94207 gseventrun + 104     45  uikit                               0x00c446e5 uiapplicationmain + 1526     46  colormatcher                        0x00002ae1 top_level_code + 97     47  colormatcher                        0x00002b1b main + 43     48  libdyld.dylib                       0x022b3ac9 start + 1     49  ???                                 0x00000001 0x0 + 1 ) libc++abi.dylib: terminating uncaught exception of type nsexception (lldb)  

you need link iad library.

click on project in project navigator on left side. select application under "targets". under "general" add "iad.framework" "linked frameworks , libraries".


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