How to create object in IOS similar to JAVASCRIPT -

how can create object similar in javascript?

    var writers = {             publicaccess: false,             ids: []     }; 

please ?

use nsdictionary.

the quickest way create following:

nsdictionary *dict = @{ @"publicaccess": @no,                         @"ids": @[@"id1", @"id2"] }; 

with full objective-c syntax, , if don't want static dictionary, go:

nsmutabledictionary *dict = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; [dict setobject:@no forkey:@"publicaccess"]; [dict setobject:[[nsmutablearray alloc] initwithobjects:@"id1", @"id2", nil] forkey:@"ids"]; 


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