- how to validate email with jquery -

i have input form asks user enter username , password. once user enters data, , clicks submit button , jquery run post request , send information controller /home/registeruser, im getting

an exception of type 'system.nullreferenceexception' occurred in email2.dll not handled in user code

additional information: object reference not set instance of object.

for reason ajax request not able obtain values email , password, set null ie email = null.

version information: microsoft .net framework version:4.0.30319; version:4.0.30319.18446


<%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="webform1.aspx.cs" inherits="email2.webform1" %>  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">     <title></title>     <script src="scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server"  >     <div>         <asp:scriptmanager id="scriptmanager1" runat="server" enablepagemethods="true">         </asp:scriptmanager>         <fieldset style="width: 200px;">             <asp:label id="lblemailaddress" runat="server" text="email address"></asp:label>             <asp:textbox id="txtemail" runat="server"></asp:textbox>             <asp:label id="lblpassword" runat="server" text="password"></asp:label>             <asp:textbox id="txtpassword" runat="server"></asp:textbox>         </fieldset>         <div>         </div>         <asp:button id="btncreateaccount" runat="server" text="signup" onclientclick="signup();return false;" />     </div>          <div id="postresult">?</div>      </form> </body> </html>  // use  pagemethods. if want use methods within webform1.apsx.cs  <%--<script type="text/javascript">     function signup() {         var email = document.getelementbyid('<%=txtemail.clientid %>').value;         var password = document.getelementbyid('<%=txtpassword.clientid %>').value;          pagemethods.registeruser(email, password, onsucess, onerror);          function onsucess(result) {             alert(result);         }          function onerror(result) {             alert('cannot process request @ moment, please try later.');         }     } </script>--%>  <%--<script type="text/javascript">       var url = "/home/registeruser";      var email = document.getelementbyid('<%=txtemail.clientid %>').value;     var password = document.getelementbyid('<%=txtpassword.clientid %>').value;      var f = $("form1");     var url = f.attr("action");     var formdata = f.serialize();     $.post(url, formdata, function (data) {         $("#postresult").html(data);     });   </script> --%>  <script type="text/javascript">       var username = $("input#txtemail").val();     var password = $("input#txtpassword").val();       $(document).ready(function () {          $("#btncreateaccount").click(function () {             debugger;              $.ajax({                 type: 'post',                 url: 'home/registeruser',                 data: { username: username, password: password },                 contenttype: 'application/json',                 datatype: "json",                 success: function (data) {                     alert("register succesfully");                     $("#postresult").html(data);                 },                 error: function () {                     alert("error while registration");                  }             });         });     });         </script> 


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.mvc; using; //need run  [webmethod] using;  namespace email2.controllers {     public class homecontroller : controller     {         public actionresult index()         {             return view();         }          public actionresult about()         {             viewbag.message = "your application description page.";              return view();         }          public actionresult contact()         {             viewbag.message = "your contact page.";              return view();         }           [webmethod]         [acceptverbs(]         [scriptmethod(responseformat = responseformat.json)]         public actionresult registeruser(string email, string password)         {             string result = "congratulations!!! account has been created.";             if (email.length == 0)//zero length check             {                 result = "email address cannot blank";             }             else if (!email.contains(".") || !email.contains("@")) //some other basic checks             {                 result = "not valid email address";             }             else if (!email.contains(".") || !email.contains("@")) //some other basic checks             {                 result = "not valid email address";             }              else if (password.length == 0)             {                 result = "password cannot blank";             }             else if (password.length < 5)             {                 result = "password canonot less 5 chars";             }              return content(result);         }        } } 

it should be

public actionresult registeruser(string email, string password)  {     string result = "yeah!";     //... checks      return content(result); } 

instead of

public static string  registeruser(string email, string password)  {     //.... } 

your action can't found if it's static


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