web - Client-Side Editing of HTML Webpage -

i'm not sure put put post in stackoverflow since related programming. anyways, website done , want client able edit pages without learning html @ once. want s/he able change text without learning html on website or programme. possible, if please, please, me. there project can this? appreciated. thanks!

if want text on site editible, site built on backend suited editing such joomla or wordpress.

if want scratch, you'd have have database containing of text elements want them able edit, use php echo text page.

that way, make simple interface edit text in database would, in turn, edit text on site.


index page

<div id="description"><?php echo $description;></div> 

update page

<form action="update.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="description" value="<?php echo $description;?>"> <input type="submit"> </form> 

if example hooked database above explained table, can edit text in box update site.


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