javascript - how to store values in an array -

in following code getting scanned value of barcode.

var scancode = function () { window.plugins.barcodescanner.scan(function(result) {     alert("scanned code: " + result.text + ". format: " + result.format + ". cancelled: " + result.cancelled);     localstorage.setitem("myvalue1", result.text);     window.location.href = 'page5.html';     var barcodeval = localstorage.getitem("myvalue1");     var test2 = localstorage.getitem("code");     code = json.parse(test2);     var k = parseint(localstorage.getitem("counter"));     document.getelementbyid(code[k]).innerhtml = barcodeval;     alert(code[k]);     alert(k);     k++;     localstorage["counter"] = k;     localstorage.setitem("code", json.stringify(code)); }, function (error) {     alert("scan failed: " + error); }); 

myvalue1 value getting scanning . have defined array , counter in js file as

localstorage["counter"]=0; var code = {}; localstorage.setitem("code", json.stringify(code)); 

now trying store id in array code[] , trying print in page5.html. above <script> defined in same page5.html. calling scan function again , again multiple barcode scanned. printing value in html as

<tr>     <td>2</td>     <td id="code[0]"></td> </tr> 

i getting error cannot set property 'innerhtml' of null . should next? please me. in advance

as can see jsfiddle here when code[k] in instruction

document.getelementbyid(code[k]).innerhtml = barcodeval; 

code not understood array of strings string, poining @ code[0] not point id bracket.

do json.parse() on code in updated jsfiddle here


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