Dart HttpClient.getUrl invoked by Timer without client or http server -

edit: problem wasn't related timer or httpserver, dart.io sleep function pausing everything. described in documentation, bad.


i have weird problem httpclient working in server code. call

client.geturl(uri.parse(url)).then((httpclientrequest response) => response.close()).then(httpbodyhandler.processresponse).then((httpclientresponsebody body) {     print(body.response.statuscode); 

from timer object , never reach print step. copy , paste code previous version, wasn't called timer httprequest. working code in question [here][1]. fails on long line, suspect last future never reach (httpclientresponsebody).

timer object created (just test code):

main() {   t = new timer.periodic(new duration(minutes: period), (timer t) => hit());  }  void hit() {   if (new datetime.now().hour == 17) {     print("syncing rock");      loadurlbody(furl + filter).then((content) {       print("content loaded"); 

//edit: okay, here source, might trivial problem..which can't figure out 2 days :-d

import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart'; import 'package:slack/slack_io.dart' slack;  timer t; bool check; final period = 1; final furl = "https://****.tpondemand.com"; final filter = "somefilter";   main() {   t = new timer.periodic(new duration(minutes: period), (timer t) => hit());  }  void hit() {   if (new datetime.now().hour == 17) {     print("syncing rock");      loadurlbody(furl + filter).then((content) {       print("content loaded");       map parsedmap = content.body;       handlemap(parsedmap);     });     sleep(new duration(minutes: 60));   } else {     print("no time rock " + new datetime.now().tostring());     sleep(new duration(minutes: period * 10));   } }  future loadurlbody(string url) {   final c = new completer();   httpclient client = new httpclient();   client.addcredentials(uri.parse("https://****.tpondemand.com/api"), "tprealm", new httpclientbasiccredentials("user", "password"));   client.geturl(uri.parse(url)).then((httpclientrequest response) => response.close()).then(httpbodyhandler.processresponse).then((httpclientresponsebody body) {     print(body.response.statuscode);     c.complete(body);   });   return c.future; }    void send2slack(string m) {   slack.message message = new slack.message()..text = m;    slack.token = 'token';   slack.team = 'team';   slack.send(message); } void handlemap(map valuemap) {    final duration lostintime = new duration(days: 30);   var sb = new stringbuffer();   sb.write('k o m p o s t \n');    (var item in valuemap["items"]) {     if (item['createdate'] == null) item['createdate'] = '/date(1403167885000+0100)/';     if (item['modifydate'] == null) item['modifydate'] = '/date(1403167885000+0100)/';     if (item['lastcommentdate'] == null) item['lastcommentdate'] = '/date(1403167885000+0100)/';      datetime moonlanding = new datetime.frommillisecondssinceepoch(int.parse(item['createdate'].substring(6, 19)));     datetime modifylanding = new datetime.frommillisecondssinceepoch(int.parse(item['modifydate'].substring(6, 19)));     datetime commentlanding = new datetime.frommillisecondssinceepoch(int.parse(item['lastcommentdate'].substring(6, 19)));     datetime lastchangelanding = (modifylanding.isbefore(commentlanding)) ? commentlanding : modifylanding;     duration difference = new datetime.now().difference(lastchangelanding);      if (moonlanding.add(lostintime).isbefore(new datetime.now()) && difference.indays > 4) {       sb           ..write('<https://****.tpondemand.com/entity/')           ..write(item['id'])           ..write('|')           ..write(item['name'])           ..write('> last change: ')           ..write(difference.indays)           ..write(' days ago \n');      }     ;     }   send2slack(sb.tostring());   print("sent slack");   sb.clear(); } 

i created similar code can't reproduce problem.
work when called timer.

import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart';  timer t; final period = 1;  void main(args) {   t = new timer.periodic(new duration(minutes: period), (timer t) => hit()); }  void hit() {   loadurlbody('http://www.google.com')       .then((httpclientresponsebody b) => print('hit: ${b.response.statuscode}')); }  future loadurlbody(string url) {   print('executing');   httpclient client = new httpclient();   // commented out because have no server can use   // httpclient client = new httpclient()                 //    ..addcredentials(uri.parse("https://****.tpondemand.com/api"), "tprealm", new httpclientbasiccredentials("user", "password"));   return client.geturl(uri.parse(url))        // <== return important here       .then((httpclientrequest response) => response.close())       .then(httpbodyhandler.processresponse)       .then((httpclientresponsebody body) {         print('body: (${new datetime.now()}) ${body.response.statuscode}');         return body;                         // <== value value next 'then' receives.  // example x in: loadurlbody('http://someurl').then(x) => dosomething(x));        }); } 

you don't need use completer. completer more complicated used cases example 1 method returns completer , example eventhandler completes it.

you have ensure return future everywhere. then returns future. value of returned future value returned inside then.


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