c - printf()/puts() after use of ncurses -

i'm using ncurses library in c project, , encountered problem use of printf()/puts() after curses initialized and de-initialized. here's simplified illustration:

initscr(); endwin();  puts("first"); usleep(1e6); puts("second"); 

both first , second appear on screen after containing executable exits (after little on 1 second), instead of printing first first, , then, second later, second. ncurses seems buffering stdout somehow , flushing on exit. fflush(stdout) seems solve problem:

initscr(); endwin();  puts("first."); fflush(stdout); usleep(1e6); puts("second"); 

when stdout manually flushed, output displayed expected (with second gap). if add more puts() statements afterwards usleep()s in between, though, i'd need repeat calls fflush(stdout) after each one, , i'm wondering if there's better solution that, say, permanently resets program pre-curses mode.

ncurses calls setvbuf, putting streams full buffered mode. either specify environment variable ncurses_no_setbuf instruct not change buffering, or restore buffer mode calling setvbuf again, although man 3 setvbuf advises against this:

the setvbuf() function may used @ time, may have peculiar side effects (such discarding input or flushing output) if stream ``active''. portable applications should call once on given stream, , before i/o performed.

here how restore stdout line-buffering , stderr no buffering again:

#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ncurses.h>  int main() {   initscr();   endwin();    setvbuf(stdout, null, _iolbf, 0);   setvbuf(stderr, null, _ionbf, 0);    puts("first.");   usleep(1e6);   puts("second");   return 0; } 


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