c++ - ADO Recordset object returning 80004003 Error -

i trying open recordset, returning me error..

here part of code:

void myfunction(_connectionptr connptr) {     _recordsetptr recptr;     std::string command = "select * mytable";      recptr.createinstance(__uuidof(_recordset));     recptr->open(command.c_str(), connptr.getinterfaceptr(), adopenstatic, adlockoptimistic, adcmdtext);                   //error!!!!!!! }   int main(int argc, char** argv) {     coinitializeex(null, coinit_multithreaded)      _connectionptr connptr;     connptr.createinstance("adodb.connection");     connptr->open(....my connection string, userid, , password....);      myfunction(connptr);      ::couninitialize();     connptr->close(); } 

the error message:

code = 80004003 code meaning = source = <null> description = <null> dd 

(the description says nothing.. , have no idea "i" means or why "dd" printed out @ end,,)

there nothing wrong connection string, userid, , password, since opening connection ptr returns no error. error occurs when try open recordset.. can find problem in code?



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