javascript - Mongoose/MongoDB - updating a sub document is not working -

i finding sub document so:

var incidentid = "someid1" var alerteeid  = "someid2"  incident.findoneq({ _id: someid1, 'alertees._id': someid2 }, {'alertees.$': 1}) .then(function(incident) {   var alertee = incident.alertees[0];   alertee.responded_at =   return alertee.parent().saveq().then(function(alertee) {     console.log(alertee)   }) }) 

it correctly finds alertee. when update, fails save alertee.

this occurs if position of alertee in array not first. first alertee in array of alertees, able found , updated.

what doing wrong?

your syntax here not "strictly" mongoose syntax, not sure if implementing other layer on top of this.

but want .findoneandupdate() specified in mongoose documentation. whole update in 1 call, , call this:

incident.findoneandupdate(     { "_id": someid1, "alertees._id": someid2 },     { "alertees.$.responded_at": },     function(err,incident) {         if (err) throw err;    // or return error          if ( incident != null ) {             incident.altertees.some(function(alertee) {                 if ( alertee._id.tostring() == someid2.tostring() ) {                     console.log( alertee );                     return 1;                 }             });         } else {             console.log( "not found" );         }     } ); 

that efficient update form return altered document. in response callback i'm using array#some match "alertee" updated , return are.

of course not call methods or hooks defined on "schema", updating date unlikely need it. if can use .findone() , .save() have, match array element have before updating instead.

or more complete example:

var async = require('async'),     mongoose = require('mongoose'),     schema = mongoose.schema,     objectid = require('mongodb').objectid;  mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test');  var alerteeschema = new schema({     "responded_at": date });  var incidentschema = schema({     alertees: [alerteeschema] });  var incident = mongoose.model( "incident", incidentschema );  var incident = new incident();  var date1 = new date(); var date2 = new date(     date1.valueof() - ( date1.valueof() % 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) );  incident.alertees.push({ "responded_at": date1 }); incident.alertees.push({ "responded_at": date2 });,incident) {      if (err) throw err;     var someid1 = incident._id;     var someid2 = incident.alertees[1]._id;     //var someid2 = new objectid();      console.log( "before: \n" + incident );       incident.findoneandupdate(         { "_id": someid1, "alertees._id": someid2 },         { "alertees.$.responded_at": },         function(err,incident) {             if (err) throw err;              if (incident != null) {                 incident.alertees.some(function(alertee) {                     console.log( "test: " + alertee );                     if ( alertee._id.tostring() == someid2.tostring() ) {                         console.log( "after: \n" + alertee );                         return 1;                     }                 });             } else {                 console.log( "not found" );             }         }     );  }); 

with these results:

before: { __v: 0,   _id: 53aba6c73b8d05ef77c2703b,   alertees:    [ { responded_at: thu jun 26 2014 14:51:19 gmt+1000 (est),        _id: 53aba6c73b8d05ef77c2703c },      { responded_at: thu jun 26 2014 08:58:31 gmt+1000 (est),        _id: 53aba6c73b8d05ef77c2703d } ] } test: { responded_at: thu jun 26 2014 14:51:19 gmt+1000 (est),   _id: 53aba6c73b8d05ef77c2703c } test: { responded_at: thu jun 26 2014 14:51:19 gmt+1000 (est),   _id: 53aba6c73b8d05ef77c2703d } after: { responded_at: thu jun 26 2014 14:51:19 gmt+1000 (est),   _id: 53aba6c73b8d05ef77c2703d } 


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