ruby - expected one of [String, Regexp], got 1:Fixnum (TypeError) in page-object -

i trying find image , using if condition image exists? performing delete operation. if not addition. getting following error when doing so..


<div class="xicgridviewport"> <table id="patetrngrid-100228" class="xicgrid xicgridloaded" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">     <colgroup>         <thead>             <tbody>                 <tr id="id328" class=" xicgridrow0">                     <td>                         <td>                             <td>                                 <td>                                     <td>                                         <td>                                             <td style="text-align: center;">                                                 <td style="text-align: center;">                                                     <a id="celliconlink2a" href="#" onclick="var wcall=wicketsubmitformbyid('form9', '?wicket:interface=:0:form:multiplepatternbuildergroupbox:patterngroupbox:patetrngrid:gridcheckgroup:xicgridcontainer:xicgrid:rows:3:cells:8:cell:celliconlink::iactivepagebehaviorlistener:0:-1&wicket:ignoreifnotactive=true', 'multiplepatternbuildergroupbox:patterngroupbox:patetrngrid:gridcheckgroup:xicgridcontainer:xicgrid:rows:3:cells:8:cell:celliconlink' ,null,null, function() {return wicket.$$(this)&&wicket.$$('form9')}.bind(this));;; return false;">                                                         <img class="xicicon xiciconloaded xicicondelete" xic:size="s" xic:icon="delete" src="/uit/xicola/2.3/img/spacer.png"> <!-- here, using if condition -->                                                     </a>                                                 </td>                 </tr>             </tbody>             <tfoot> </table> </div> 



        class builderpage         include pageobject          text_field(:area, name: /area/)         select_list(:load_type, name: /loadtype/)         checkbox(:link_power, name: /linkpower/)         image(:plus, css: ".xicicon.xiciconloaded.xiciconadd")         image(:delete_icon, css: ".xicicon.xiciconloaded.xicicondelete")         button(:delete, text: 'delete')          def create_pattern(category, place, destination)             train_category_element.when_present             self.train_category = category             fac_place_element.when_present             self.fac_place = place             fac_destination_element.when_present             self.fac_destination = destination             wait_element.when_not_visible             refresh_element.when_present             refresh             wait_element.when_not_visible             if delete_icon_element.exists?                 delete                    end     end end 


    expected 1 of [string, regexp], got 1:fixnum (typeerror)       ./lib/pages/pattern_builder_page.rb:22:in `create_pattern'       ./features/step_definitions/bulk_steps.rb:30:in `/^i select "(.*?)", "(.*?)" , "(.*?)" facility , submit$/'       features\pattern_builder.feature:11:in `when select "<category>",  "<place>" , "<destination>" facility , submit' 

based on exception message, coming watir-webdriver's elementlocator:

valid_whats = [string, regexp]  def check_type(how, what)   case how   when :index     unless what.kind_of?(fixnum)       raise typeerror, "expected fixnum, got #{what.inspect}:#{what.class}"     end   else     unless valid_whats.any? { |t| what.kind_of? t }       raise typeerror, "expected 1 of #{valid_whats.inspect}, got #{what.inspect}:#{what.class}"     end   end end 

this method shows locator values can numeric :index locators.

this implies in 1 of locators, passing number locator not :index. example have:

# invalid accessor: div(:field_name, :id => 1)  # or called watir-webdriver: browser.div(:id => 1).text 

as per comments, there xpath: 1 locator instead of index: 1 locator.


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