MATLAB Warnings under fmincon -

i'm minimizing function fmincon routine.

this function uses integral command several times. however, of integrals turns out inf or nan , don't want matlab show warning when happens (the function finite).

i've tried using command warning('off','matlab:integral:nonfinitevalue') don't seem working when running optimization.

it you're suppressing wrong message. inspect values of

[a,b] = lastwarn 

inside output function (opts = optimset('outputfcn', @myoutfcn);) make 100% sure you're killing correct warning message.

but have encountered annoying behavior before -- can't seem suppress warnings in matlab's own functions. those, have resort ugly , fragile hacks.

you try

warning off ...  warning on 

which suppresses all warnings code contained in '...' section.

you use undocumented feature: temporarily promote warning error:

ws = warning('error', 'matlab:integral:nonfinitevalue'); ... warning(ws); 

and wrap in try....catch. chances interrupt integral , fmincon prematurely , have wrap rescue mechanism, gets real complicated , real ugly real fast, that's used last resort... in all, it's easiest live warnings.


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