ios - Custom NSObject iniWithCoder not called -

i have custom object, levelcontent, contains properties. levelcontentconforms nscoding, , have implemented encodewithcoder: , initwithcoder: methods. save , fetch data saving works fine this:

nsdata *data = [nskeyedarchiver archiveddatawithrootobject:self.currentlevelcontent]; 

when fetch data, nsdatacorrectly, when try initialize levelcontentwith downloaded data, initwithcoder: never gets called. try load levelcontent this:

levelcontent *content = [nskeyedunarchiver unarchiveobjectwithdata:data]; 

here code encoding/decoding

- (void)encodewithcoder:(nscoder *)acoder {     [acoder encodeobject:self.tiles forkey:@"tiles"];     [acoder encodeobject:self.attributes forkey:@"attributes"];     [acoder encodeobject:self.level forkey:@"level"]; }  - (instancetype)initwithcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder {     if (self == [super init]) {         self.tiles = [nsmutablearray array];         [self.tiles addobjectsfromarray:[adecoder decodeobjectforkey:@"tiles"]];         self.attributes = [nsmutabledictionary dictionary];         [self.attributes addentriesfromdictionary:[adecoder decodeobjectforkey:@"attributes"]];         self.level = [level levelwithtopindex:0 detailindex:0];         self.level = [adecoder decodeobjectforkey:@"level"];     }     return self; } 

change if (self == [super init]) if (self = [super init]) in initwithcoder:

try this,

- (instancetype)initwithcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder {     if (self = [super init]) {         .....     }     return self; } 


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