web services - WebService in Lotus Domino in Java getting the IP Address of the Client -

we have written webservice provider in java in lotus domino. obtain ip address of webservice consument, unfortunately not easy.

my first try :

 mc = messagecontext.getcurrentcontext();  string remoteaddr = "remote_addr?" + mc.getproperty("remote_addr"); 

second try:

string remoteip = mc.getstrprop(constants.mc_remote_addr); 

not working well.

so have tried properties available in messagecontext

iterator x = mc.getpropertynames();        while (x.hasnext()) {          string strx = x.next().tostring();  // output of strx        } 

and output was:

rpc transport.url 

well, nothing helpfull.

has found working solution?

according blog http://www.unimatrix-0.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50:messagecontext-im-domino-webservice&catid=35:webservices&itemid=55 in old version there few properties, distributed axis.

thanx lot idea.


note: there might easier way agentcontext, works. , long compiles..:-)


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