javascript - How can I show all visible tooltips when using jQuery UI with tabs and accordion? -
i'm working on web-application , use jquery ui tabs , accordions , qtip2 (with tooltips).
i'm trying create "help" function toggle display of visible tooltips - , when user change tab or accordion, tooltips should update based on tooltips should visible.
i've created simple js-fiddle example illustrates problem pretty well.
<div id="maindiv"> <div id="mapcontainer"> <div id="simple_map" style="display: inline-block"> <p title='maptitle' data-qtip2enabled>place map here</p> </div> </div> <button type="button" id="showhelp">show messages</button> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#querytab">search</a> </li> <li><a href="#parameterstab">search results</a> </li> </ul> <div id="querytab"> <div id='search'> <p>options</p> <div id='queryoptions'> <h3> <span id='option1' title='this option 1' data-qtip2enabled>option 1</span> </h3> <div id='option1div'> <a title="another title" data-qtip2enabled>some text</a> </div> <h3> <span id='option2' title='this option 2' data-qtip2enabled>option 2</span> </h3> <div id='option2div' title="some title" style="display: inline-block" data-qtip2enabled>lalalalala</div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="parameterstab"> <div id="parameterstabtext">text. <br> <p title='lorum ipsum' data-qtip2enabled>more text tooltip.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- div pop, , don't appear --> <div id="errormessagedialog" title="warning" hidden>this not qtip-title (with tag data-qtip2enabled)</div> </div>
$(document).ready(function () { $("#tabs").tabs(); $('#showhelp').click(togglehelp); $("#queryoptions").accordion({ collapsible: true, active: false, heightstyle: "content" }); $('[data-qtip2enabled]').qtip(); }); var helpenabled = false; function enablehelp() { unbindhelp(); $("div#tabs li").on("click", function () { showhelp(); }); $("div#search span").on("click", function () { showhelp(); }); helpenabled = true; } function unbindhelp() { $("div#tabs li").unbind("click"); $("div#search span").unbind("click"); } function togglehelp() { if (!helpenabled) showhelp(); else { helpenabled = false; unbindhelp(); //$('[data-qtip2enabled]').qtip('destroy'); $(".qtip-content").hide(); $('[data-qtip2enabled]').qtip({ show: 'mouseenter', hide: 'mouseleave', }); } } function showhelp() { if (!helpenabled) enablehelp(); $(".qtip-content").hide(); $('[data-qtip2enabled]').each(function () { $(this).qtip({ show: true, hide: false, events: { focus: function (event, api) { api.set('position.adjust.y', -5); }, blur: function (event, api) { api.set('position.adjust.y', 0); }, }, }); }); }
any or pointers appreciated :)
edit: updated code , fiddle based on experiments , rakesh singh's answer.
i'm still wondering how not display tooltips should hidden - tooltips displayed now, updated correct places when ui changes.
just put
$("div#tabs li").on("click",function(){ showhelp(); });
in jquery ready function.
i hope help.
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