regex - Search And Replace With Regular Expression webuilder -

i want find , replace statements in project files.


md.qryloadsupplycode.value md.qryloadclientname.value 

result :

md.qryloadsupplycode.asstring md.qryloadclientname.asstring 

please help!!!!

i have tried

search: md\.[a-z,a-z,0-9]+\.value (yes found) replace: md\.[a-z,a-z,0-9]+\.asstring (not work) 

the main problem you're trying use pattern in replacement instead of matching , capturing pattern when execute search.

by placing capturing group () around search pattern, can reference matched in replacement call.

search: (md\.[a-za-z0-9]+\.)value replace: \1asstring 

note: having commas inside character class, you're matching literals ( not separating syntax )


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