Adding Command Line Arguments to Python Twisted -

i still new python keep in mind when reading this.

i have been hacking away @ existing python script "put" few different people.

the script designed load it's 'configuration' using module named "conf/" python code.

setting_name='setting value' 

i've modified instead read it's settings configuration file using configparser:

import configparser config_file_parser = configparser.configparser() config_file_name = "/etc/service_settings.conf" config_file_parser.readfp(open(r'' + config_file_name)) setting_name = config_file_parser.get('basic', 'setting_name') 

the problem having how specify configuration file use. have managed working (somewhat) having multiple tac files , setting "config_file_name" variable there using module hold variable value. example, have module 'conf/":

global config_file_name 

then tac file has:

import conf.configloader configloader configloader.config_file_name = '/etc/service_settings.conf' 

so conf/ module looks like:

import configloader config_file_parser = configparser.configparser() config_file_parser.readfp(open(r'' + configloader.config_file_name)) 

it works, requires managing 2 files instead of single conf file. attempted use "usage.options" feature described on have twisted/plugins/

from twisted.python import usage global config_file_name  class options(usage.options):     optparameters = [['conf', 'c', 'tidepool.conf', 'configuration file']]  # config config = options() config.parseoptions() config_file_name = config.opts['conf'] 

that not work @ all. tips?

i don't know if understood problem.

if want load configuration multiple locations pass list of filenames configparser:

if trying make generic configuration manager, create class of functions receives filename or use set configuration file name in environment variable , read variable in script using os.environ.get('config_file_name').


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