eclipse - Load RDF model into Jena SDB -

i trying load rdf model jena sdb. have done connection (and think should fine). not know why not work right. think because of arq library have imported project not know.

here code :

    string rdf_file = "./prova_rules_m_rdf.owl";     string classname = "com.mysql.jdbc.driver";       string db_url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/prova_rules";      string db_user = "root";                              string db_passwd = "";                                // create store description         storedesc storedesc = new storedesc(layouttype.layouttriplenodeshash,databasetype.mysql);          // load database driver         try {             class.forname(classname);             system.out.println("jdbc driver load successfully!");         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }          // create sdbconnection         sdbconnection sdbconnection = new sdbconnection(db_url,db_user,db_passwd);          // connect store         store store = sdbfactory.connectstore(sdbconnection,storedesc);          // connect store dataset         dataset dataset = sdbfactory.connectdataset(store);          // prepare model         model tmpmodel = modelfactory.createdefaultmodel();         filemanager.get().readmodel(tmpmodel,rdf_file,"owl");         system.out.println(tmpmodel.size());          // add model dataset         dataset.getdefaultmodel().add(tmpmodel);          // done ...         store.close();      } 

here error:

exception in thread "main" java.lang.nosuchmethoderror: com.hp.hpl.jena.query.arq.getcontext()lcom/hp/hpl/jena/sparql/util/context; @ com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.sdb.initworker( @ com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.sdb.( @ @ com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.sdbfactory.connectstore( @ createontmodel.main(

nosuchmethoderror indicates have inconsistent set of jars on runtime classpath (eclipse build path). make sure have 1 copy of each jena jar on project build path well.

using maven eclipse manage dependencies automatically.


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