angularjs - How can I tell what is calling one of my scope functions in angular? -

i have directive has template such as:

<div ng-show="isvisible()"> ... </div> 

i've changed isvisible returns true , console.log.

this directive included single time on page, yet log occurs 50+ times. want know code calling isvisible many times. there way trace calling function? actual stack trace useless, because angular appears hide everything. there tool figure out non-angular code triggered function call.

in other cases have data changing , can't find it's changing [it's not code] , because original code in angular, can't use stack traces, or use watches or normal type of debugging.

here directive:

require('app').directive('kmformlanguages', ["$q", function ($q)  {   return {     restrict: 'eac',     template: '<span ng-show="isvisible()"><span km-select multiple ng-model="binding" binding-type="string" placeholder="available languages" items="locales|orderby:\'name\'" minimum="1"></span></span>',     transclude: true,     scope: {       binding : '=ngmodel',     },        controller: ["$scope", "istorage", "editformutility", function ($scope, storage, editformutility) {        $scope.locales = [         {identifier:"ar", name:"arabic"  },            {identifier:"en", name:"english" },          {identifier:"es", name:"spanish" },          {identifier:"fr", name:"french"  },            {identifier:"ru", name:"russian" },          {identifier:"zh", name:"chinese" }       ];           $scope.isvisible = function() {         console.log('binding: ', $scope.binding);         debugger;         return $scope.binding!==undefined && $scope.binding!==null;       }         }]      }; }]) 

and html uses (no angular controls ancestors shown):

<div ng-controller="editmeasure">     [...]     <div ng-show="!isloading() && status!='hidden'">         [...]         <span km-form-languages ng-model="document.header.languages"></span> 

it hard text. if can post sample code, more accurate answers can given.

but have described, seems function being called part of angular js

$digest or $compile 



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