Varying a stroke width of a curve in JavaFX -

is there way create curve in javafx varying stroke width? example, starting @ 10 point , end @ 1 point.

you can't vary stroke width.

you can simulate behavior though, creating path layers multiple curves, start @ different starting positions converge single point.


import javafx.application.application; import; import javafx.scene.scene; import javafx.scene.paint.color; import javafx.scene.shape.*; import javafx.stage.stage;  import java.util.random;  public class dividedpath extends application {      private static final double width = 400, height = 400;     private static final random random = new random(42);      @override public void start(stage stage) {         cubiccurve curve = randomcurve(width, height);          path path = new path();         (int = -5; <= +5; i++) {             path.getelements().addall(                     new moveto(curve.getstartx() + i, curve.getstarty()),                     new cubiccurveto(                             curve.getcontrolx1(),                             curve.getcontroly1(),                             curve.getcontrolx2(),                             curve.getcontroly2(),                             curve.getendx(),                             curve.getendy()                     )             );         }         path.setstroke(color.forestgreen);          group root = new group();         curve.setfill(null);         root.getchildren().addall(                 path,                 curve         );          scene scene = new scene(                 root,                 width, height,                 color.rgb(35,39,50)         );          stage.setscene(scene);         stage.setresizable(false);;     }      private cubiccurve randomcurve(double mx, double my) {         return new cubiccurve(                 random.nextdouble() * mx,                 random.nextdouble() * my,                 random.nextdouble() * mx,                 random.nextdouble() * my,                 random.nextdouble() * mx,                 random.nextdouble() * my,                 random.nextdouble() * mx,                 random.nextdouble() *         );     } } 


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