liferay 6 - Can't set action in aui:form although I named the action in MVCPortlet -

i'm having bit of problem tracing error comes from, in jsp have form set this:

<jsp:usebean id="usuario" type="com.cide.cajavirtual.econtinua.model.estudiantes" scope="request"> </jsp:usebean> <jsp:usebean id="compras" type="com.cide.cajavirtual.econtinua.model.estudiantescompras" scope="request"> </jsp:usebean>  <% calendar = calendarfactoryutil.getcalendar(); %> <portlet:actionurl name="registrarcompra" var="registrarcompraurl">  <aui:form name="fmcompra" action="<%=registrarcompraurl.tostring() %>" method="post"> 

then in portlet class have:

public class cajavirtualportlet extends mvcportlet {     /*  * el portlet registrousuarioscomprasportlet permite los estudiantes llenar la    forma   * de registro y hacer una compra de la oferta de educaciĆ³n continua  *   */  public void addcompra(actionrequest request, actionresponse response) throws   exception {     themedisplay themedisplay =             (themedisplay) request.getattribute(webkeys.theme_display);   }  public void registrarcompra(actionrequest request, actionresponse response) throws   exception { } 

but keep getting error on eclipse says "registrarcompraurl cannot resolved"

i ask because don't have idea of i'm doing wrong, said lost trace of doing while typing in eclipse. please help!

i suspect portlet action url tag not closed thats why facing issue.

try <portlet:actionurl name="registrarcompra" var="registrarcompraurl"/>

also make sure have taglib declared like. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>


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