Java wierd error when trying to load image -

this question has answer here:

i trying load image using

static image terrain = null; 

followed by

public static void main(string[] args) {     arcanus arc = new arcanus();       try {         terrain ="arcanus terrain tileset.png"));                     font customfont = font.createfont(font.truetype_font, new file("golden-sun.ttf")).derivefont(12f);         graphicsenvironment ge = graphicsenvironment.getlocalgraphicsenvironment();         ge.registerfont(font.createfont(font.truetype_font, new file("golden-sun.ttf")));         arc.setfont(customfont);     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (fontformatexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } } 

but following error

uncompilable source code - non-static method getclass() cannot referenced static context 

i have no idea why doing apreciated

you calling

terrain ="arcanus terrain tileset.png")); 

inside static method. cannot call getclass() inside static method since getclass() refers instance of class. in context should call:

terrain ="arcanus terrain tileset.png"));  


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