validation - Loading non valid xml in Calabash / xproc -

i trying create routine validating xhtml documents. use xproc run in calabash. in xhtml document. document may not valid.

for testing edit xhtml document. delete , introduce error. error hope detect when validate document.

in order validate use , supply schema, , output result of validation in new file.

but if input file not valid in first place xproc/calabash stops. error message error message saxon pointing out missing. wanted validation output in output file. how do that?

<p:input port="source" primary="true"/>  <p:load name="xml-doc" href="'input.xhtml'"/>         <p:validate-with-xml-schema name="validate">     <p:input port="source">         <p:pipe port="result" step="xml-doc"/>     </p:input>     <p:with-option name="assert-valid" select="'false'"/>     <p:with-option name="mode" select="'lax'"/>     <p:input port="schema">         <p:document href="xhtml-schema.xsd"/>     </p:input>  </p:validate-with-xml-schema>  <p:store name="valid-store">     <p:input port="source">         <p:pipe port="result" step="validate"/>     </p:input>     <p:with-option name="href" select="'output.xml'"/> </p:store> 

from question it's not clear saxon complaining about, assume cannot find input xhtml file. wrap file name in single quotes in p:load/@href, not correct. when use attribute-based shortcut form options, value of attribute taken as-is , not interpreted xpath expression (which case when use long p:with-option form).


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