jquery - How to clone/ create duplicate, set of fields in Apache wicket -

i have requirement there field set adding , displaying existing comments. design is, on top half, existing comments db displayed row wise, beneath separator line followed row active input fields( date picket field, text area comment , add button). clicking add button should add latest comment entry made in comment list above , clear input fields. have managed doing using jquery's clone method. however, not satisfied approach have not leveraged wickets power such here. new framework , honest still not comfortable rudimentary basics required take full benefit of framework. appreciate if can ideas ( better if can give me live example links, knowledge source etc) achieve task mentioned using wicket.

html :

<div class=row>     <!-- comments grid widget - begin -->     <div class=formfield>         <fieldset style="padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 4px; width: 985px">             <legend>comments</legend>             <div id=frmgrid1 style="height: 130px">                 <div id="commentgrid">                     <div style="overflow: auto; height: 130px">                         <table id="tblgridcomment" class="tabledata" width="955" border="0" >                             <thead>                             <tr bgcolor=#eaeaea>                                 <td class=tabletitle style="width: 100px" nowrap>date</td>                                 <td class=tabletitle nowrap>comment</td>                                 <td class=tabletitle style="width: 100px" nowrap                                     align=center>delete</td>                             </tr>                             </thead>                             <tbody>                             <tr bgcolor="#ffffff" wicket:id="comrow">                                 <td class="tabledata commenttd" valign=top>                                     <a href="#" wicket:id="comdtlink">                                         <span wicket:id="comdt"> 12/12/12 </span>                                     </a>                                 </td>                                 <td class="tabledata commenttd" valign="top">                                     <input  wicket:id="exsistcomment"                                             style="width: 750px" maxlength="2000" name="exsistcomment" />                                 </td>                                 <td class="tabledata commenttd" valign=top>                                     <input type="checkbox" wicket:id="commdelete" name="commdelete"/>                                 </td>                             </tr>                             </tbody>                         </table>                     </div>                     <hr width=955>                 </div> <!-- comment grid end -->                 <div style="text-align: right; width: 955px">                     <span class=row>                         <span class=formfield>                             <label wicket:id="pdeffdatelabel">effective date: </label><br>                             <input  wicket:id="pdeffdate" id="pdeffdate" name="pdeffdate" />                             <!-- <a wicket:id="linkpdeffdate" href="#">                             <img style="vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-left: 2px"                             border=0 alt="select comment effective date" src="cal.gif"                             width=16 height=19 wicket:id="pdeffdateimg" id="pdeffdateimg">                             </a> -->                         </span>                         <span class=formfield>                             <label wicket:id="pdcommentlabel">comment: </label><br>                             <textarea   wicket:id="pdcomment" id="pdcomment" cols="94"                                          name="pdcomment">                             </textarea>                         </span>                         <span class=formfield><br>                              <input id="addcomment"  title="add row" class="btnz"                                    type="button" value=" add " name="btnaddrowcomment">                         </span>                     </span>                 </div>             </div>         </fieldset>     </div> </div> 

jquery :

 $("#addcomment").click(function () {              console.log("djkdk");              var sourcetr   =   $('[id^="commenttr"]').last();              var clonetr    =   $(sourcetr).clone();                  clonetr.insertafter(sourcetr);              var clonetrid = clonetr.attr("id"),              res = "",              newid = "";              if(clonetrid != "") {                   res = clonetrid.substring(9,clonetrid.length);                 newid = clonetrid.substring(0,9);              }              clonetr.attr('id',newid);              clonetr.find('[id^="comdt"] span').text($('#pdeffdate').val());              $('#pdeffdate').val("");              clonetr.find('[id^="exsistcomment"]').val($('#pdcomment').val());              $('#pdcomment').val("");              clonetr.show();           }); 

as per whatever find on internet, seems can use webmarkupcontainer group rows , perhaps clone somehow. not sure if possible or not though.

thanks help. suvo

use listview generate repetitive elements

go through following http://wicket.apache.org/guide/guide/repeaters.html


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