c++ - Store weak pointer to self -

i work codebase partially implemented in love overly complex solutions simple problems (e.g. template classes 2 parameters ever instantiated 1 pair of types). 1 thing did create objects in smart pointer, , have object store weak pointer itself.

class myclass {     //...     boost::weak_ptr<myclass> m_self;     //... };  boost::shared_ptr<myclass> factory::factory::factory::createmyclass() {     boost::shared_ptr<myclass> obj(new myclass(...));     boost::weak_ptr<myclass> p(obj);     obj->storeselfpointer(p);     return obj; } 

the class proceeds use m_self locking , passing around resulting shared pointer.

for life of me, cannot fathom trying accomplish. there pattern or idea explain implementation? looks me pointless , i'd refactor away.

edit: should mention none of places use resulting smart pointer obtained locking m_self retain smart pointer.

a possible use of "design" use m_self.lock() generate shared pointers this.

if remove weak pointer member, reference count hold generated shared pointer this incorrect.

it achieves same std::enable_shared_from_this, interestingly enough, cppreference.com mentions design :

a common implementation enable_shared_from_this hold weak reference (such std::weak_ptr) this. constructors of std::shared_ptr detect presence of enable_shared_from_this base , assign newly created std::shared_ptr internally stored weak reference

and c++ standard, section § 10 , mention same possible implementation :

the shared_ptr constructors create unique pointers can detect presence of enable_shared_- from_this base , assign newly created shared_ptr __weak_this member

possible refactoring :

  • if using c++11, can remove std::weak_ptr member, , publicly inherits std::enable_shared_from_this<t>. should retrieve shared pointer calling shared_from_this().

  • if not using c++11 can use boost, use boost::enable_shared_from_this, see boost documentation. should retrieve shared pointer calling shared_from_this().

  • if not using c++11, , can't use boost, can bring proposed implementation of standard code base, short enough :

code : (copied § - 11, remove leading underscores, , want rename it)

template<class t> class enable_shared_from_this {     private:      weak_ptr<t> __weak_this;     protected:      constexpr enable_shared_from_this() : __weak_this() { }      enable_shared_from_this(enable_shared_from_this const &) { }      enable_shared_from_this& operator=(enable_shared_from_this const &) { return *this; }      ~enable_shared_from_this() { }     public:      shared_ptr<t> shared_from_this() { return shared_ptr<t>(__weak_this); }      shared_ptr<t const> shared_from_this() const { return shared_ptr<t const>(__weak_this); } }; 

and use shared_from_this() make shared pointer. if copy code, note constructing shared pointers other means not work. shared pointers constructors need modified (as explain standard quote above).


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