android - Display only Social Leader board using Google Play Game Services -

i working on android game want display leader board user's social circle on google plus. have integrated google play game services api in app , displaying leader board. however, google services displays 2 kinds of leader boards -- social , public, want display social leader board , not public.

is there way can that? or there way can fetch data social leaderboard alone , display separately?

so have figured out myself, luckily. following code print names of friends present @ social leader board.

games.leaderboards.loadplayercenteredscores(googleapiclient, "*****************", 2, 1, 20).setresultcallback(     new resultcallback<loadscoresresult>(){         public void onresult(loadscoresresult result) {             // todo auto-generated method stub             for(int j=0;j<result.getscores().getcount();j++)             {                 log.i("score on create",result.getscores().get(j).getscoreholderdisplayname());              }             result.getscores().close();         }     }); 

the first parameter googleapiclinet returned getapiclient() method.

the second parameter leader board id.

the third parameter time span. here, 2 indicates time_span_all_time

the fourth parameter leaderboardcollection. here, 1 indicates collection_social.

you can use same code obtaining other information such formatted rank, scores, , profile picture url. replace getscoreholderdisplayname() other appropriate methods.


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