download stock data with R -

i~m trying download stock data r these code:

#load packages library(stockportfolio) library(quadprog)  #get data of returns stocks <- c(   "spy",   "efa",   "iwm",   "vwo",   "lqd",   "hyg")  returns <- getreturns(names(stocks), freq="week") 

but i'm getting error:

it's not possible open connection: http status: '404 not found' 

#load packages library(stockportfolio) library(quadprog)  #get data of returns stocks <- c(   "spy",   "efa",   "iwm",   "vwo",   "lqd",   "hyg")  returns <- getreturns(stocks, freq="week")  returns time scale: week   average return          spy          efa          iwm          vwo          lqd          hyg  0.0011957600 0.0002371890 0.0012480337 0.0005973494 0.0011942381 0.0012353135  


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