cakephp - Can't find model associated model data -

i'm new in cakephp , i'm having problems in example i'm building learn.

i'm building plugin 3 models (categoria,plato,imagen)

the relationships between them following: categoria - plato (n-n) plato - imagen (1-n)

if go plato view, imagen relationship, when access through category, can't reach imagen associated each plato. why? what's problem?

models code:


app::uses('appmodel', 'model'); class plato extends erestaurantappmodel {        public $name = 'plato';     //public $actsas = array('containable');     public $hasandbelongstomany = array(         'categoria' => array(             'classname' => 'categoria',             'jointable' => 'categorias_platos',             'foreignkey' => 'plato_id',             'associationforeignkey' => 'categoria_id',             'unique' => 'keepexisting',             'conditions' => '',             'fields' => '',             'order' => '',             'limit' => '',             'offset' => '',             'finderquery' => '',         )     );     public $hasmany = array('imagen' =>                             array('foreingkey' => array('plato_id'))); } 


app::uses('appmodel', 'model'); class categoria extends erestaurantappmodel {     public $name = 'categoria';     //public $actsas = array('containable');     public $hasandbelongstomany = array(         'plato' => array(             'classname' => 'plato',             'jointable' => 'categorias_platos',             'foreignkey' => 'categoria_id',             'associationforeignkey' => 'plato_id',             'unique' => 'keepexisting',             'conditions' => '',             'fields' => '',             'order' => '',             'limit' => '',             'offset' => '',             'finderquery' => '',         )     ); } 


app::uses('appmodel', 'model'); class imagen extends erestaurantappmodel {       public $name = 'imagen';     //public $actsas = array('containable');     public $belongsto = array('plato'); } 

finally, code i'm launching when go categoria view.

app::uses('appcontroller', 'controller'); class categoriascontroller extends erestaurantappcontroller {     public $uses = array('erestaurant.categoria');      public function index() {         $this->categoria->recursive = 0;         $this->set('data', $this->categoria->find('all'));     }      public function view($id = null) {         if (!$this->categoria->exists($id)) {             throw new notfoundexception(__('registro inválido.'));         }         /*         $this->categoria->recursive = -1;         $options = array('conditions' =>                              array('categoria.'.$this->categoria->primarykey => $id),                          'contain' => array(                             'plato' => array(                                 'imagen'                             )                          )                         );                       */         $this->categoria->recursive = 2;         $options = array('conditions' =>                              array('categoria.'.$this->categoria->primarykey => $id));         $this->set('item', $this->categoria->find('first', $options));       }  } 

the commented code see it's way tried, using containable, @ end error "plato not associated model imagen"

database seems ok, each table created needed (categorias, platos, imagens, categorias_platos) , foering keys created , trying keep cakephp default names.

thank you!

to access deep relations must use containable behavior. have definition of containable behavior in model, reason commented.

public $actsas = array('containable'); 

uppon uncommenting line in categoria, can access deep relations in way:

$this->categoria->find('all', array(     'contain'=>array(         'plato.imagen'     ) )); 

...or this. more information plase visit link containable behavior


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