ExtJS Websocket Chat Application -

im setting mvc application extjs 4.2 has chat support client. i'm using extjs websocket , followed tutorial https://market.sencha.com/extensions/ext-ux-websocket seem work broadcast message connected client on different browsers. here codes:

        this.ws = ext.create('ext.ux.websocket', {             url : 'ws://localhost:6966',             autoreconnect : true,             autoreconnectinterval : 1000,             keepunsentmessages : true,             listeners : {                 open : function(ws) {                     ws.send('notify', {                         'message' : 'connected server!',                         'id' : '123456'                     });                 },                 message : function(ws, data) {                     var data = ext.decode(data);                     console.log(data)                 },                 close : function(ws) {                     var panel = ext.getcmp('panel' + ws.url);                      if ((panel != null) || (panel != undefined)) {                         panel.destroy();                     }                 }             }         });          this.ws.on('notify', function(data) {             ext.get('chat-history').dom.innerhtml += '> ' + data.msg + '<br/>';         });          ext.ux.websocketmanager.register(this.ws); 

and use send/broadcast messages:

var data = {             id : '123456',             msg : 'sample message'         };          ext.ux.websocketmanager.broadcast('notify', data); 

you try out this link.

you need nodejs , npm.

then, install every dependencies:

$ npm install 

open websocket each port want:

$ node demo/server.js 9001 9002 9003 

then connect client using code posted.


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