thread handling c++ linux OS -

i have 3 functions in project written in c++. in same .cpp file , have 2 header files.

now, have 3 corresponding threads that, second thread takes output first thread,and last thread waits until second thread end operations.note threads in "forever loop" i.e. while(1){....}

source.cpp looks this:

#include <iostream> #include "source.h" #include "glob_variables.h" #include "armadillo" #include <vector> using namespace arma; using namespace std;  void source::first_function(int size) {   for(int i=0;i<size;i++)   {    container.push_back(i);//container global variable vector of type int declared in glob_variables.h   } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void source::second_function() {    //sleep until first function fills the vector set set size matrix.n_rows    matrix.set_size(container.size(),33);    for(int i=0;i<container.size();i++)    {     for(int j=0;j<50;j++)      {        matrix(i,j)=i+j;//matrix global variable in glob_variables.h      }    } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void source::third_function() { //sleep untill second function fills matrix, print cout<<matrix;//print out matrix } 


#include "glob_variables.h" #include "armadillo" #include <vector> using namespace arma; using namespace std; class source { public:  void first_function(int size);  void second_function();  void third_function(); }; 


#include "armadillo" #include <vector> using namespace arma; using namespace std;  extern mat matrix; extern vector<int> container; 


    #include <iostream>     #include <stdio.h>     #include <pthread.h>     #include "source.h"     #include "glob_variables.h"     #include "armadillo"     #include <vector>     using namespace arma;     using namespace std;  //thread functions      void* first_reader(void* id1)      {        source mysource;        while(1)        {          mysource.first_function(80);        }      }       void* second_reader(void* id2)      {        source mysource;        while(1)        {          mysource.second_function();        }      }       void* third_reader(void* id3)      {        source mysource;        while(1)        {         mysource.third_function();        }      }     int main()    {     pthread_t first;     pthread_t second;     pthread_t third;      int hndl_first;     int hndl_second;     int hndl_third;      hndl_first = pthread_create(&first, null, first_reader, null);     hndl_second= pthread_create(&second, null, second_thread, null);     hndl_third;= pthread_create(&third, null,third_thread, null);     pthread_exit(null);    return 0;     } 

can have techniques this, or simple example. thanks.

try using following link. autoresetevent fulfills requirement. code in link expect.

what c++ equivalent autoresetevent under linux?


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