parsing - Ez-Vcard retrieval of email and address -

there inbuilt functions in getting structuredname , formattedname. email there no such method. using maven project , have added dependency in pom.xml.

<dependency>         <groupid>com.googlecode.ez-vcard</groupid>         <artifactid>ez-vcard</artifactid>         <version>0.9.4</version> </dependency> 


is working fine , fetching name.


is not working. there library missing? or method fetch details vcard.

i using fetching telephone details , null. please advice.

for(telephone tel: vcard.gettelephonenumbers()) {    string number=tel.gettext(); } 

thanks arun

use getemails() method, so:

for (email email : vcard.getemails()){   string value = email.getvalue(); } 


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