osx - Using an NSButton with SpriteKit -

i'm tyro cocoa programmer trying learn swift/cocoa/spritekit modifying default os x code. basic question haven't been able find solution.

i wanted add functionality delete spaceship sprites after clicking mouse added these methods class: gamescene.

override func keydown(theevent: nsevent!) {     if (theevent.characters) == "p" {         removesprites()     } }  func removesprites() {     self.removeallchildren()     println(self)  // here track down problem. } 

so works when press 'p' , println(self) tells me self <skscene> name:'(null)' frame:{{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}

so next set-up nsbutton in skview in interface builder , connected ibaction in class: appdelegate

@ibaction func buttonaction(sender: anyobject) {    gamescene().removesprites()     } 

however time sprites aren't removed , println reports

<skscene> name:'(null)' frame:{{0, 0}, {1, 1}} 

so i'm confused 'other' skscene.

how code nsbutton effect sprite?

gamescene() new instance of class, not 1 "self" referring in earlier method.

your ibaction in appdelegate, not in gamescene, need keep reference scene - if you're using default template, there should reference in applicationdidfinishlaunching... hang on property, can self.scene!.removesprites() in action.

var scene: gamescene? = nil  func applicationdidfinishlaunching(anotification: nsnotification?) {     if let scene = gamescene.unarchivefromfile("gamescene") as? gamescene {         self.scene = scene          // ...     } } @ibaction func buttonaction(sender: anyobject) {     self.scene!.removesprites() } 


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