xslt - Need help transforming xml via xlst -

hi need sum element values in xml via xlst 1.0 , give output.

this xml i'm working on

<store>  <counter>     <item>         <id>1</id>         <name>desk</name>         <price>96</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>1</id>         <name>chair</name>         <price>323</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>1</id>         <name>lamp</name>         <price>52</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>2</id>         <name>desk</name>         <price>200</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>2</id>         <name>chair</name>         <price>62</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>3</id>         <name>desk</name>         <price>540</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>3</id>         <name>desk</name>         <price>235</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>3</id>         <name>desk</name>         <price>455</price>     </item>     <item>         <id>4</id>         <name>desk</name>         <price>370</price>     </item> </counter> </store> 

and desired output be:

<name>desk</name> <sum> "sum of desk prices </sum>  <name>chair</name> <sum> "sum of chair prices </sum>  <name>lamp</name> <sum> "sum of lamp prices </sum> 

whatever did fare, either gave me 000 sum elements or output errors. if point me in right direction appreciate much. thank in advance.

please find xslt helps achieve requirement

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xsl/transform"> <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml"/> <xsl:key name="lang" match="item" use="name"/> <xsl:template match="/">   <output>      <xsl:for-each select="//item[count(. | key('lang', name)[1]) = 1]">         <name>            <xsl:value-of select="name"/>         </name>         <sum>            <xsl:value-of select="sum(key('lang', name)//price)"/>         </sum>      </xsl:for-each>   </output> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

output of above xslt:

<output>  <name>desk</name>  <sum>1896</sum>  <name>chair</name>  <sum>385</sum>  <name>lamp</name>  <sum>52</sum> </output> 


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