ruby on rails - Error running Heroku bundle -

i updated gemfile , upgraded rails 4.0.0 , ruby 2.0.0. ran bundle install, bundle update, pushed heroku. migrated db.

the app works on localhost shows application error on heroku.

so ran heroku run bundle update, gave following error:

you trying install in deployment mode after changing gemfile. run `bundle install` elsewhere , add updated gemfile.lock version control.  if development machine, remove gemfile freeze  running `bundle install --no-deployment`.      have added gemfile:     * source: (at master)     * source: rubygems repository * rails (= 4.0.0) * sass-rails (~> 4.0.0) * uglifier (>= 1.3.0) * coffee-rails (~> 4.0.0) * jquery-rails * turbolinks * jbuilder (~> 1.2) * sorcery * thin * pg * rails_12factor * sdoc * mailcatcher * rspec-rails * sqlite3 * foreman * quiet_assets   have changed in gemfile: * sorcery ` (at master)` `no specified source` 

this .gitignore file looks like:

# see more ignoring files. # # if find ignoring temporary files generated text editor # or operating system, want add global ignore instead: #   git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global  # ignore bundler config .bundle  # ignore default sqlite database. db/*.sqlite3 db/*.sqlite3-journal db/development.sqlite3  # ignore logfiles , tempfiles. log/*.log tmp  .ds_store .sass-cache  .ruby-version procfile .rspec 

the error on heroku standard "application error. error occurred in application , page not served."

here heroku logs


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