typeahead.js - Twitter Typeahead Suggestion Limit -

i'm using latest version of typeahead (0.10.2) , can't plugin give me more 139 records. when change query return 140 records "empty" template created.

what doing wrong?

var engine = new bloodhound({   name: "courses",   limit: 5000,   prefetch: { url: "../../cfc/xxx.cfc?term=aa&returnformat=json",               ajax: { datatype: "json",                        cache: false,                       data:{ method: "search" }                      }   },   remote: { url: "../../cfc/xxx.cfc?term=%query&returnformat=json",             ajax: { datatype: "json",                      cache: false,                     data:{ method: "search",                     timeout: 5000 }                   }   },   datumtokenizer: function(d) { return bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.value); },   querytokenizer: bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace });  $("#source").typeahead({    minlength: 2,    highlight: true},    {     name: "courses",     displaykey: "value",     timeout: 1000,     source: engine.ttadapter(),     engine: engine,     templates: { empty: [ '<div class="empty-message">',                           'unable find courses match entry.',                           '</div>'                         ].join('\n')     } }); 

looks there bug in current version of typeahead. 110 parsed 10. 10 parsed 0. 10 records == 0! yay!


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