python - Combine effects to menu in pygame -

hey guys developing game pygame. idea of game when user click on start button on menu(which appear on first before starting game) must see 2 balls bouncing on pygame window.

for have 2 python files.

this python file makes 2 ball bounce on pygame window made me.the code of here.(sorry pasting on pastebin since long code)

this python file creates menu have found internet , works fine.the code of here

but problem when user clicks on start button menu didnt .the thing want when user clicks on start button menu must see ball boucing have coded in on pygame can link menu.

i have tried acheive many methods didnt helped me ..

hope guys can me in acheieving ..any appreciated ..thanks in advance

it done better @ least works.

#!/usr/bin/python  import sys import pygame  import bounceball   #----------------------------------------------------------------------  white = (255, 255, 255) red   = (255,   0,   0) black = (  0,   0,   0)  #----------------------------------------------------------------------  class menuitem(pygame.font.font):      def __init__(self, text, font=none, font_size=30,                  font_color=white, (pos_x, pos_y)=(0, 0)):          pygame.font.font.__init__(self, font, font_size)         self.text = text         self.font_size = font_size         self.font_color = font_color         self.label = self.render(self.text, 1, self.font_color)         self.width = self.label.get_rect().width         self.height = self.label.get_rect().height         self.dimensions = (self.width, self.height)         self.pos_x = pos_x         self.pos_y = pos_y         self.position = pos_x, pos_y      def is_mouse_selection(self, (posx, posy)):         if (posx >= self.pos_x , posx <= self.pos_x + self.width) , \             (posy >= self.pos_y , posy <= self.pos_y + self.height):                 return true         return false      def set_position(self, x, y):         self.position = (x, y)         self.pos_x = x         self.pos_y = y      def set_font_color(self, rgb_tuple):         self.font_color = rgb_tuple         self.label = self.render(self.text, 1, self.font_color)  #----------------------------------------------------------------------  class gamemenu():      def __init__(self, screen, items, funcs, bg_color=black, font=none, font_size=30,                  font_color=white):         self.screen = screen         self.scr_width = self.screen.get_rect().width         self.scr_height = self.screen.get_rect().height          self.bg_color = bg_color         self.clock = pygame.time.clock()          self.funcs = funcs         self.items = []         index, item in enumerate(items):             menu_item = menuitem(item, font, font_size, font_color)              # t_h: total height of text block             t_h = len(items) * menu_item.height             pos_x = (self.scr_width / 2) - (menu_item.width / 2)             pos_y = (self.scr_height / 2) - (t_h / 2) + (index * menu_item.height)              menu_item.set_position(pos_x, pos_y)             self.items.append(menu_item)          self.mouse_is_visible = true         self.cur_item = none      def set_mouse_visibility(self):         if self.mouse_is_visible:             pygame.mouse.set_visible(true)         else:             pygame.mouse.set_visible(false)      def set_keyboard_selection(self, key):         """         marks menuitem chosen via , down keys.         """         item in self.items:             # return neutral             item.set_italic(false)             item.set_font_color(white)          if self.cur_item none:             self.cur_item = 0         else:             # find chosen item             if key == pygame.k_up , \                     self.cur_item > 0:                 self.cur_item -= 1             elif key == pygame.k_up , \                     self.cur_item == 0:                 self.cur_item = len(self.items) - 1             elif key == pygame.k_down , \                     self.cur_item < len(self.items) - 1:                 self.cur_item += 1             elif key == pygame.k_down , \                     self.cur_item == len(self.items) - 1:                 self.cur_item = 0          self.items[self.cur_item].set_italic(true)         self.items[self.cur_item].set_font_color(red)          # check if enter or space pressed         if key == pygame.k_space or key == pygame.k_return:             text = self.items[self.cur_item].text             self.funcs[text]()      def set_mouse_selection(self, item, mpos):         """marks menuitem mouse cursor hovers on."""         if item.is_mouse_selection(mpos):             item.set_font_color(red)             item.set_italic(true)         else:             item.set_font_color(white)             item.set_italic(false)      def run(self):         mainloop = true         while mainloop:             # limit frame speed 50 fps             self.clock.tick(50)              mpos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()              event in pygame.event.get():                 if event.type == pygame.quit:                     mainloop = false                 if event.type == pygame.keydown:                     self.mouse_is_visible = false                     self.set_keyboard_selection(event.key)                 if event.type == pygame.mousebuttondown:                     item in self.items:                         if item.is_mouse_selection(mpos):                             self.funcs[item.text]()              if pygame.mouse.get_rel() != (0, 0):                 self.mouse_is_visible = true                 self.cur_item = none              self.set_mouse_visibility()              # redraw background             self.screen.fill(self.bg_color)              item in self.items:                 if self.mouse_is_visible:                     self.set_mouse_selection(item, mpos)                 self.screen.blit(item.label, item.position)              pygame.display.flip()  #----------------------------------------------------------------------  def run_bounceball():     print "run bounceball"  #----------------------------------------------------------------------  if __name__ == "__main__":      pygame.init()      # creating screen     screen = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300), 0, 32)      menu_items = ('start', 'quit')     funcs = {'start': run_bounceball,              'quit': sys.exit}      pygame.display.set_caption('game menu')      gm = gamemenu(screen, funcs.keys(), funcs)

import pygame import math itertools import cycle  #----------------------------------------------------------------------  # simple vector helper functions, stolen def magnitude(v):     return math.sqrt(sum(v[i]*v[i] in range(len(v))))  def add(u, v):     return [ u[i]+v[i] in range(len(u)) ]  def sub(u, v):     return [ u[i]-v[i] in range(len(u)) ]      def dot(u, v):     return sum(u[i]*v[i] in range(len(u)))  def normalize(v):     vmag = magnitude(v)     return [ v[i]/vmag  in range(len(v)) ]  #----------------------------------------------------------------------  class ball(object):      def __init__(self, path, screen):         self.x, self.y = (0, 0)         self.speed = 2.5         self.color = (200, 200, 200)         self.path = cycle(path)         self.set_target(next(self.path))          self.screen = screen      @property     def pos(self):         return self.x, self.y      # drawing, need position tuple of ints     # lets create helper property     @property     def int_pos(self):         return map(int, self.pos)      @property     def target(self):         return self.t_x, self.t_y      @property     def int_target(self):         return map(int,         def next_target(self):         self.set_target(self.pos)         self.set_target(next(self.path))      def set_target(self, pos):         self.t_x, self.t_y = pos      def update(self):         # if won't move, don't calculate new vectors         if self.int_pos == self.int_target:             return self.next_target()          target_vector = sub(, self.pos)           # threshold stop moving if distance small.         # prevents 'flickering' between 2 points         if magnitude(target_vector) < 2:              return self.next_target()          # apply balls's speed vector         move_vector = [c * self.speed c in normalize(target_vector)]          # update position         self.x, self.y = add(self.pos, move_vector)      def draw(self):, self.color, self.int_pos, 4)  #----------------------------------------------------------------------  def run(screen):       #pygame.init() # no need - inited in     #screen = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))  # no need - created in      clock = pygame.time.clock()          quit = false      path = [(26, 43),             (105, 110),             (45, 225),             (145, 295),             (266, 211),             (178, 134),             (250, 56),             (147, 12)]      path2 = [(26, 43),              (105, 10),              (45, 125),              (150, 134),              (150, 26),              (107, 12)]      ball = ball(path, screen)     ball.speed = 1.9      ball2 = ball(path2, screen)     ball2.color = (200, 200, 0)      balls = [ball, ball2]      while not quit:         quit = pygame.event.get(pygame.quit)         pygame.event.poll()          map(ball.update, balls)          screen.fill((0, 0, 0))          map(ball.draw, balls)          pygame.display.flip()         clock.tick(60) 


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