how to share text on facebook Through android app which is login through facebook Parse -

i working on adding share on facebook functionality app. have new version of parse sdk facebook .

i can't seem find information on how use parse's fb sdk implement share.

i have facebook session open app don't understand how post text or share text on facebook in android.

please give me suggestions .

thanks in advance...

i got ans :)

here solution :

bundle params = new bundle(); params.putstring("name", "facebook sdk android"); params.putstring("caption", "build great social apps , more installs."); params.putstring("description", "the facebook sdk android makes easier , faster develop facebook integrated android apps."); params.putstring("link", ""); params.putstring("picture", "");  webdialog feeddialog = (     new webdialog.feeddialogbuilder(getactivity(),         session.getactivesession(),         params))     .setoncompletelistener(new oncompletelistener() {          @override         public void oncomplete(bundle values,             facebookexception error) {             if (error == null) {                 // when story posted, echo success                 // , post id.                 final string postid = values.getstring("post_id");                 if (postid != null) {                     toast.maketext(getactivity(),                         "posted story, id: "+postid,                         toast.length_short).show();                 } else {                     // user clicked cancel button                     toast.maketext(getactivity().getapplicationcontext(),                          "publish cancelled",                          toast.length_short).show();                 }             } else if (error instanceof facebookoperationcanceledexception) {                 // user clicked "x" button                 toast.maketext(getactivity().getapplicationcontext(),                      "publish cancelled",                      toast.length_short).show();             } else {                 // generic, ex: network error                 toast.maketext(getactivity().getapplicationcontext(),                      "error posting story",                      toast.length_short).show();             }         }      })     .build();; 


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