windows phone 8 - Adding image to title of Pivot page and handling touch -

i trying add image next pivot control title , want able touch it. can't , guess it's because pivot handling touches. code:

    <grid margin="162,22,0,0" verticalalignment="top" horizontalalignment="left"           tap="messagesicon_ontap">           <image source="/assets/images/icons/messages_icon.png"                   x:name="messagesicon"                  stretch="fill" opacity="1" width="20" height="22"                  tap="messagesicon_ontap"/>     </grid>     <phone:pivot x:name="playerpivot" title="title" >         <!--pivot item one-->         <phone:pivotitem margin="0" x:name="playingpivotitem">             <phone:pivotitem.header>                 <textblock text="subtitle" />             </phone:pivotitem.header>             <grid x:name="contentpanel">                      ... 

as can see tried catch tap on both (grid contains image , image self) isn't call. easiest way tap gesture on image? thanks

give try using snippet:

<controls:pivot.title>   <stackpanel>                    <textblock text="title" />      <image source="/images/anyimage.png"/>               </stackpanel>            </controls:pivot.title> 


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