java ee - Setting WMQ_MDCTX_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT impact the COD message -

i had asked question before :mqdestination overriding accounting token value

according response able set mq accounting token. changes have resulted in impact on cod used receive earlier. set reply q , reply q manager follows

destination codedestination = session.createqueue("queue://" + replytoqueuemgr + "/" +replytoqueuename);":::: codedestination :::"+ codedestination); msg.setjmsreplyto(codedestination);  

using above used cod correctly on sent queue. after added following line support accounting token

((mqdestination) destination).setmqmdmessagecontext(wmqconstants.wmq_mdctx_set_all_context); 

after adding above line cod not come. if comment out above line cod starts coming again mean accounting token not set. tried following line

((mqdestination) destination).setmqmdmessagecontext(wmqconstants.wmq_mdctx_set_identity_context); 

but not getting cod. context seems causing issue. other lines setting mqmdreadenabled , mqmdwriteenabled properties not causing issue.can please me on need both cod , accounting token?

looks cod message ending in queue managers dead letter queue(dlq). have defined dlq queue manager? if defined, please check dlq.

the reason cod message ending in dlq because of insufficient user authority. please check link:

setting valid user identifier while sending message should help. tried mq v8 , see cod message being put reply queue specified while sending message.

requestmessage.setstringproperty(jmsconstants.jms_ibm_mqmd_useridentifier, "<valid user id>"); 


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