c# - Filter a mobile number in a string -

i want catch info webpage using html agility pack. info want use :

exp1: 22391021 - 09198606027 - 88345027

exp2: 22252554 - 29458456 - 09365861449

exp3: chiako.com 09123937651 - 88424554 (4 line)

and input parameters foreach method.

how can catch mobile phone structure ( 09xxxxxxxxx ) ? below examples:

1- 09198606027

2- 09365861449

3- 09123937651

and put parameter(s).

my code:

public void getinginformarion() {     string pageload = "http://rahnama.com/cat/index/id/38093/%d8%a7%d8%b9%d8%b2%d8%a7%d9%85-%d8%af%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%b4%d8%ac%d9%88";     htmlweb hw = new htmlweb();     htmlagilitypack.htmldocument doc = hw.load(pageload);     htmlnodecollection nodes1 = doc.documentnode.selectnodes("//p[@style='margin:0;']/span");     foreach (htmlnode node in nodes1)     {         string name = node.innertext;     } } 

try match string regular expression:

var match = regex.match(node.innertext, @"09\d{9}"); if (match.success) {   string name = match.value; // matched phone number } 

if expect several phone numbers in string, can use nextmatch method:

while (match.success)  {      string name = match.value;      match = match.nextmatch(); } 


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