android - GridView elements randomly repositioned after scrolling -

so, i'm having weird problem gridview on app.

what want pretty simple: want list of installed apps (a-la app drawer) , display them in alphabetical order in gridview.

it works pretty well, show nicely, scroll down see more apps , scroll up, apps @ top offselt. vertically, more exact, , happens every time scroll down more 1-2 rows , scroll way up.

also, i'll scroll top , it'll keep scrolling past top apps oblivion, , not let me scroll down. i'm not sure if problems related, i'd sure fix both of them. gridview resets normal after clicking on 1 of items or switching windows in app.

this 2nd day working android layouts , such, although i've done java programming long time before, might missing i'm not new this.

i've looked online , can't quite find answer works, i've tried ones i've found , i'm coming accross solutions have implemented in code, i'm not sure go besides here.

i'm not sure part of code post figure out problem, , don't want turn huge wall of text every 1 of related files, appreciate lot if guide me show.

i'll start gridview layout, individual cell layout, , adapter's getview method, seem places of solutions found guided to. please let me know if need more of code.


  <gridview     android:id="@+id/gridview1"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="488dp"     android:numcolumns="5"     android:textalignment="center"     android:verticalspacing="5dp" >    </gridview>  </linearlayout> 


  <imageview       android:id="@+id/ivicon"   android:layout_width="match_parent"   android:layout_height="wrap_content"   android:layout_marginright="5dip"   android:scaletype="center"   android:adjustviewbounds="true"   />    <textview       android:id="@+id/tvname"       android:layout_width="wrap_content"       android:layout_height="wrap_content"       android:gravity="center_vertical"            />   </linearlayout> 


public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {   view v;   if(convertview == null){     v = layoutinflater.from(mcontext).inflate(r.layout.layout_app, null);    //mcontext defined in constructor adapter   }else{     v = convertview;   }    imageview icon = (imageview)v.findviewbyid(;   textview name = (textview)v.findviewbyid(;    icon.setimagedrawable(getitem(position).geticon());   name.settext(getitem(position).getname());    //geticon , getname custom app class made store app info.   return v; } 

i have pictures of looks like, it's not letting me post them or give links of them because of reputation, if want see ask me.

p.s.: minor problem i'm having icons don't seem scaling down size of imageview, that's totally unrelated far know , not major point of post. can me if want, though :p

i figured out, although i'm not sure why happening. apparently, since didn't have hardcoded height individual cells, adjust text around them , change size, therefore changing position of other ones. still don't know why whole overscrolling thing happens, think it's bug gridview find weird no-one else has mentioned it. oh well...


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