Using Powershell to Change Assignee and Add Comment to Issue via JIRA REST API -

for seemingly simple i'm having no luck updating jira issues via rest api.

has been able update jira issues using powershell? i've pretty exhausted options on stackoverflow , atlassian's website.

no scripts curl, invoke-restmethod or invoke-webrequest have done returned errors.

retrieving info issue not problem. changing it... holy cow.

i'd immensely grateful if me find way solve this.


function convertto-base64($string) {     $bytes  = [system.text.encoding]::utf8.getbytes($string);     $encoded = [system.convert]::tobase64string($bytes);     return $encoded; }  function get-httpbasicheader([string]$username, [string]$password, $headers = @{}) {     $b64 = convertto-base64 "$($username):$($password)"     $headers["authorization"] = "basic $b64"     $headers["x-atlassian-token"] = "nocheck"     return $headers }  function add_comment([string]$issuekey,[string]$comment) {     $body = ('{"body": "'+$comment+'"}')     $comment=(invoke-restmethod -uri ($restapiuri +"issue/$issuekey/comment") -headers $headers -method post -contenttype "application/json" -body $body).id         return $comment }   $restapiuri = "" $headers = get-httpbasicheader "user" "password"  add_comment "myissue-1234" "[~test.user] please handle issue." 


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