python - RUnning shell script through sqlplus -

i logged in oracle in prod env , have requirement run shell scripts on remote hosts while in sqlplus. trying via python. there way it?

i able run sql scripts or sql commands sqlplus following :-

session = popen(['sqlplus','-s','abc/abc@'+str(hostname)+':1000/'+str(dbname)+''], stdin=pipe, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe)     session.stdin.write('spool '+str(op_file)+' \n'                         ' '+str(data)+ '\n');      session.stdin.write(' ; \n')     session.stdin.write('exit \n')     session.stdin.flush()     stdout, stderr = session.communicate() 

but when want run shell script there way of doing through sqlplus itself, coz other way of logging in via ssh , sudoing in oracle not possible

i think 1 of ways of doing using plsql:-

but not sure.

sql*plus client application. can spawn processes on client machine run shell scripts on client. cannot spawn processes on database server.

as you've linked to, can use dbms_scheduler package on database server spawn processes on server run batch files. can similar java stored procedure since runs on server. dbms_scheduler has ability run jobs on remote servers if appropriate scheduler agents installed seems unlikely particularly helpful in vast majority of situations.


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