c# - Code 39 Barcodes -

maybe there simple solution cant seem find one, need increase height of barcode without increasing font size.

                // barcode text block                 textblock barcode = new textblock();                 barcode.text = "12345678-123";                 barcode.fontfamily = new fontfamily("free 3 of 9");                 barcode.margin = new thickness(736, 638, 0, 50);                 barcode.fontsize = 65;                 page.children.add(barcode);                  // baarcode number text block                 textblock pagetext = new textblock();                 string s = "*12345678-123*";                 s = s.insert(1, " ").insert(3, " ").insert(5, " ").insert(7, " ").insert(9, " ").insert(11, " ").insert(13, " ").insert(15, " ").insert(17, " ").insert(19, " ").insert(21, " ").insert(23, " ").insert(25, " ");                 pagetext.text = s;                  pagetext.fontfamily = new fontfamily("arial");                 pagetext.margin = new thickness(743, 685, 0, 50);                 pagetext.fontsize = 26;                           page.children.add(pagetext); 

it looks this:

enter image description here

i need height of barcode 10pixels taller, without making wider. height property didnt effect it.

here sample

// barcode text block textblock barcode = new textblock(); barcode.text = "12345678-123"; barcode.fontfamily = new fontfamily("free 3 of 9"); barcode.margin = new thickness(736, 638, 0, 50); barcode.fontsize = 65; //apply scale barcode.rendertransform = new scaletransform() { scaley = 1.1 }; 

this transform scale bar-code element 10 % height, may adjust per needs.


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