knockout.js - Knockout JS Template With Inner Foreach -

<!doctype html> <html>     <head>         <title>knockout template inner foreach</title>         <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>         <script type="text/javascript" src="knockout-min.js"></script>     </head>     <body>         <div id="maindiv" data-bind="template: { name: currentsection }" style="border: 1px solid red">          </div>         <button data-bind="click: next">next</button>           <div id="templateszone" style="display:none">             <div id="template1">                 template1             </div>             <div id="template2">                 template2             </div>             <div id="template3">                 <div data-bind="foreach: customers">                     <div class="customerdiv">                         <span data-bind="text: name"></span>                         <span data-bind="text: age"></span>                     </div>                 </div>             </div>         </div>          <p data-bind="text: currentsection"></p>         <p data-bind="text: currentsectionkey"></p>          <script type="text/javascript">             function customer(name, age) {                 var self = this;         = name;                 self.age = age;             }              function testviewmodel() {                 var self = this;                  self.customers = ko.observablearray([                     new customer("jake", 25),                      new customer("ritchie", 44),                      new customer("clarence", 34),                     new customer("vince", 22)                 ]);                 self.templates = [                     "template1",                     "template2",                     "template3",                 ];                 self.currentsectionkey = ko.observable(0);                   self.nextenabled = ko.computed(function() {                      return ( self.currentsectionkey() < (self.templates.length - 1) );                 });         = function() {                     if(self.nextenabled()) {                          self.currentsectionkey( self.currentsectionkey() + 1 );                     }                 };                  self.currentsection = ko.computed(function() {                     return self.templates[self.currentsectionkey()];                 });              }              $(document).ready(function() {                 ko.applybindings(new testviewmodel());             });         </script>     </body> </html> 

i use dynamic templates. 1 of templates has foreach on customers. have defined 4 customers. 4 times 4 customers in template3. did make mistake? or bug in knockout js?


to see what's wrong remove display:none on templeszone. after applybindings binding applied templates changed. should change them div <script type="text/html"></script>.

here modified jsfiddle:


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