Java Http Client get 408 Request Time-out -

i developing simple http client, have problem here:

when using telnet on windows command line:

telnet 80   head / http/1.1 host: 

response: 301 moved permanently

head /download/7/a/9/7a9ebb22-8dc8-40a2-802d-b4cc343a928e/proplussp2013-kb2817430-fullfile-x86-vi-vn.exe http/1.1 host: 

response: 200 ok

when using program (eclipse ide, jre8) java code:

import*; import*;  public class main {     public static datainputstream in;     public static bufferedwriter out;     public static string host = "";     public static int port = 80;     public static socket soc;      public static string getheader(string uri) throws ioexception{          string httprequest = "head " + uri + "\r\n"                 + "http/1.1\r\n"                 + "host:" + host                 + "\r\n";         string httpresponse = "";         int read;          out.write(httprequest);         out.flush();          while ((read = != -1)             httpresponse += (char)read;          return httpresponse;     }      public static void main(string[] args) throws unknownhostexception, ioexception{         soc = new socket(host, port);         in = new datainputstream(soc.getinputstream());         out= new bufferedwriter(new outputstreamwriter(soc.getoutputstream()));           system.out.println(getheader("/"));          soc.close();     } } 

with getheader("/") run 20s response http/1.0 408 request time-out

with getheader("/download/7/a/9/7a9ebb22-8dc8-40a2-802d-b4cc343a928e/proplussp2013-kb2817430-fullfile-x86-vi-vn.exe") http/1.0 408 request time-out

my code work ok host. know host not normal accessible, why 2 method above give different result?


dump contents of httprequest screen , you'll see you're building broken request (crlf instead of sp before http-version).

furhtermore you're missing additional crlf (see


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